Tuesday 21 December 2010

Japan - the land of omnipresent vending machines and heated toilet seats

The room shared by Claire, Sam and I on our first night in Sappporo

Once again, I got a shock when I sat down and found that the toilet seat was heated.

After checking in and changing our clothes we set out into the -4 degree weather to explore the city. We went to the park surrounding Sapporo Tower (which looks a lot like Tokyo Tower lol) and admired all the Christmas lights and stuff. 

Sapporo Tower

Later we ate at a basement yakitori restaurant. Once we got back we went into several combini to get breakfast for the next day. 

At the yakitori restaurant

Claire, Sam and I had a room to ourselves. We showered and did a bit of laundry. Claire and I treated ourselves to cheesecake souffles and Fuyu Pocky (Pocky with a double coat of chocolate and dusted with cocoa powder). 

We were going to watch Wall-E but we started to fall asleep...

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